Mortgage 101

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Bethlehem, Georgia


“ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Amet nunc sagittis metus libero aliquet eget. Facilisis dignissim purus enim eu. Feugiat nam turpis faucibus faucibus ullamcorper morbi diam viverra a. ”


Bethlehem, Georgia


“ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Amet nunc sagittis metus libero aliquet eget. Facilisis dignissim purus enim eu. Feugiat nam turpis faucibus faucibus ullamcorper morbi diam viverra a. ”


Bethlehem, Georgia


“ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Amet nunc sagittis metus libero aliquet eget. Facilisis dignissim purus enim eu. Feugiat nam turpis faucibus faucibus ullamcorper morbi diam viverra a. ”


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Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to save for a 20% down payment?
Are Pre-Qualification and Pre-Approval the same thing?
What's the difference between an adjustable and a fixed rate mortgage?
What is Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI)?
Can I access my home equity before I finish paying off my loan?

Ready to apply for your home financing loan?


Ready to apply for your home loan?

Your path to ownership is just one click away! Schedule a complimentary consultation now so we can take a look at your specific needs and find the perfect home loan for you!

Adrian Webb

Senior Mortgage Advisor
NMLS: 811655

*This is not a commitment to lend. The borrower must meet all loan obligations, including living in the property as the principal residence and paying property charges, including property taxes, fees, and hazard insurance. The borrower must maintain the home. If the borrower does not meet these loan obligations, then the loan will need to be repaid. Otherwise, the loan must be repaid when the last borrower passes away or sells the home. Prices, guidelines and minimum requirements are subject to change without notice. Some products may not be available in all states. Subject to review of credit and/or collateral; not all applicants will qualify for financing. It is important to make an informed decision when selecting and using a loan product; make sure to compare loan types when making a financing decision. This material has not been reviewed, approved or issued by HUD, FHA or any government agency. <COMPANY NAME> is not affiliated with or acting on behalf of or at the direction of HUD, FHA or any other government agency. To find a Reverse Mortgage counselor near you, search the HECM Counselor Roster at agency_look.cfm or call (800) 569-4287

Charges such as an origination fee, mortgage insurance premiums, closing costs and/or servicing fees may be assessed and will be added to the loan balance. The loan balance grows over time, and interest is added to that balance. Interest on a reverse mortgage is not deductible from your income tax until you repay all or part of the interest on the loan. Although the loan is non-recourse, at the maturity of the loan, the lender will have a claim against your property and you or your heirs may need to sell the property in order to repay the loan or use other assets to repay the loan in order to retain the property. You should know that a reverse mortgage is a negative amortization loan which means that your mortgage balance will increase while your home equity decreases if you do not make principle and interest payments on your loan. This may make it more difficult to refinance the loan or to obtain cash upon the sale of the home. However, you will never owe more than the home is worth when the loan is repaid.

Adrian Webb Mortgage